Importance of Vitamins for Kids


Every parent knows healthy food is the perfect source of nutrients for their kids. It is very important for your children to eat in a healthy manner and ensure that they get the nutrients and energy they need to grow and develop properly. Deficiency of vitamins can exacerbate or create chronic health conditions. There are a few essential minerals and vitamins which are critical for growing children.

Do kids require vitamins to supplement their diets?

Ideally, speaking children must get their kids vitamins from having a healthy and balanced diet which includes milk as well as all dairy products like yogurt, milk, cheese, plenty of fresh green and leafy vegetables, fruits, and protein like fish, chicken, and eggs.

However, pediatricians might recommend a mineral supplement or multivitamin daily for some kids who do not eat or refrain from consuming well-balanced meals. And also the picky eaters who simply have poor eating habits. Doctors might even recommend good supplements for kids who are suffering from chronic conditions like digestive or asthma illness or on restrictive diets.

Know your kid’s vitamin alphabet

  • Vitamin A is very important for your kid’s normal growth and healthy skin, and also helps tissue repair and vision. This vitamin is mainly found in orange and yellow vegetables, liver and dairy products as well.

  • Vitamin B assists in all metabolic activities and helps in producing red blood cells. It is readily found in fish, soy, eggs, grains, milk and cereals.

  • Vitamin C for kids is very important as it the body’s tool for fighting off infection and in healing. It even strengthens muscles, skin and tissues. For wholesome doses of vitamin C, make your kids have strawberries, citrus fruits,broccoli, spinach, potatoes and tomatoes.

  • Vitamin D helps kids body form as well as maintain strong bones and teeth and also assists with the proper absorption of several minerals like calcium, it is also found in fish oils, fortified dairy products and sunlight as the latter stimulates the vitamin.

  • Calcium is important for the maintenance and development of teeth and healthy bones. During childhood, consuming inadequate calcium can affect development and growth. Calcium is readily found in sardines, cheese, and yogurt and in vegetables like broccoli.

  • Iron is vital, especially for kids during periods of faster growth. It also contributes to the building of muscles and production of blood. Excellent sources of iron are beef, fish, turkey, fortified bread, cereals, beans, and iron-rich vegetables.

Need of a vitamin in different forms

For children with highly selective diets and kids with erratic eating habits, a health care provider might recommend some baby vitamins rich tonics or supplements daily. Over-the-counter supplements of vitamin are quite safe and come in several chewable forms, if your child has difficulty swallowing. Supplements and children’s vitamins are available in fun shapes and colors, but they are not candies. Better to consult your health provider if you have questions about vitamin and mineral supplements.

Childlife Essentials offers all important minerals, vitamins, and anti-oxidants to give every kid the extra protection and support their developing minds, as well as immune systems, need.


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